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Aqualizer Ultra Low

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Available, delivery time: 2-3 Werktage

Vertical Dimension
Product number: AQ 307/AQ-102

Bite and Body in Harmony

Aqualizer Slim – Vertical dimensionLow Volume (≈ 1mm) is a first aid oral splint against pain symptoms of TMD syndrome. The water-filled splint with balances the misalignment of the jaw and provides a relaxation posture. The splint works on the hydrostatic principle, balancing the dysfunction in the jaw.

Aqualizer Slim

The Aqualizer Slim is a slimmer shape with improved comfort for more sensitive patients.
The lateral wings are reduced in the height and adopted to the dental arch.

  •    Slim bite pads
  •     Reduced irritation of the tongue and gum
  •     For average size adult mouths

Low Volume (≈ 1mm)

  • Patients with inadequate freeway space
  • Patients who reacts very sensitive to anything in their mouth
  • Using the neuromuscular bite registration technique

Typical TMD-Symptoms

  •    Clicking or popping of the jaw
  •     Dizziness
  •     Pain or tenderness of the jaw
  •     Difficulties in swallowing
  •     Clenching and grinding of teeth
  •     Hypersensitivity to light
  •     A shifted contact point of the upper and lower jaw
  •     Headaches
  •     Earache tinnitus


The Aqualizer is worn invisible under the upper lip and fixed by the lower and upper premolars and molars. Wearing an Aqualizer may increase the salvation for a short time.In addition, the teeth must be placed gently and evenly on the water-filled bite pads and the splint must be positioned centrally in the mouth. It is not necessary to make a chewing motion. When the Aqualizer is correctly inserted, the jaw muscles correct themselves into the most comfortable bite position.
Due to its anatomically adapted shape, it is fixed in the vestibule of the mouth by the cheek and lip muscles and therefore cannot slip out. The Aqualizer can be used temporarily as a splint during the night.
If the patient has a disturbed swallowing or gagging reflex, the Aqualizer should not be used under any circumstances or only under medical supervision.

In case of permanent grinding or pressing, the splint may burst. In this case, distilled (non-toxic) water will leak out and the Aqualizer can no longer be used.

Additional Information

If you would like to buy the bite splint in stock or keep it longer for other reasons, we recommend storing it in a frozen state. This will prevent the water from escaping.
The service life of an Aqualizer depends on the individual stress and force exerted by the dentition. As a rule, an Aqualizer lasts 2 - 3 weeks. Patients with pronounced parafunctions (bruxism) can bite through an Aqualizer in a much shorter time. Therefore, the Aqualizer is only conditionally suitable for strong pressers or grinders. If the Aqualizer is bitten through in less than 2 days, this may be a sign of a parafunction. The Aqualizer is not a substitute for an individually made permanent splint, but a temporary relaxation splint and diagnostic device. The Aqualizer causes rapid muscular relaxation and can thus significantly reduce pain. The non-physiological occlusion is compensated by the water pads and the lower jaw is guided into a relaxed physiologically favorable position. The dentist can fix this relaxed position with a bite registration and then transfer it to a fixed splint. The Aqualizer can be worn during the night and also during the day. If irritation of the gums or tongue occurs, the Aqualizer should be discontinued. Relief of the discomfort indicates muscular relaxation, which can be well treated with a splint or also a RehaBite. If the complaints are the same or even more severe, joint structures could possibly be affected. In both cases, a dentist or an appropriately trained physiotherapist or osteopath should always be consulted.

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October 22, 2024 09:07

Sehr scharfe Kanten

Leider schneiden die Kanten in meine Zunge. Sehr schade, zumal das Produkt recht teuer ist. Für mich persönlich ein kompletter Fehlkauf.

August 4, 2024 13:55

Sehr scharfe Kanten

Sehr scharfe Kanten. Störrt etwas am Zahnfleisch

September 14, 2023 12:45

Gutes Produkt, leider zu teuer

Ich kaufe den Aqualizer heute zum zweiten Mal und im Vergleich zu meiner letzten Bestellung vor zehn Tagen (04.09.23) ist der Preis von 35,74 € auf 41,65 € gestiegen. Für ein Produkt mit einer Lebensdauer von ca. zwei Wochen finde ich den Preis zu hoch. Ich als Patientin würde mir einen freundlicheren Preis wünschen.

July 14, 2023 13:02

Hat mir sehr geholfen

Ich war erst skeptisch bezüglich den Aqualizers, hatte dann aber solche Probleme mit meiner Okklusion und daraus resultierenden Symptomen, dass ich ihn mir dann doch bestellt habe. Das war eine sehr gute Entscheidung. Vorher hatte ich nur meine Knirschschienen an. Die Höhe war aber viel zu gering und der Biss ist nicht stabil. Einmal bin ich morgens aufgewacht und hatte einen ganz schiefen Mund. Wahrscheinlich ist was vom Diskus gerutscht. Seit ich den Aqualizer benutzte ist alles recht stabil im Mund und die Höhe reicht einigermaßen - ich habe einen sehr tiefen Deckbiss. Gehalten hat der erste Aqualizer ca. 4-5 Wochen. Ich bestelle immer einen auf Vorrat, bis es mit der KFO-Behandlung endlich losgeht. Mängel: Man ist immer geneigt zuzubeißen, da das Teil an sich nicht fest sitzt - ist halt kein Splint und nur eine Kunststofffolie mit Wasserfüllung. Wenn man drauf beißt passt es. Außerdem sind die Kanten etwas scharf und drücken.

March 17, 2022 12:04

Apnée du sommeil

Message: Bonjour mon dentiste ma remis une gouttière d'urgence AQUALIZEE car depuit 1ans je reves toutes les nuits et me rappelle jusqu'au matin ,je suis fatigué tout les jours car je ne récupère pas bien. La goutiere durgance ma permis de faire moin dapne de someille et de ne pas trop me raple de mes reves et mieu récupèree ,quelle goutiere me conseillère vous pour lapne de someille goutiere durgance et usé et je ne peut dormir sans goutiere .merci pour votre réponse

January 24, 2022 09:48

herausragenden Kundenservice

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Nachdem ich meine kaputte Knirscheschiene zu Ihnen zurückgeschickt habe, bekam ich heute einen ausgesprochen freundlichen Rückruf, der mich wirklich begeistert hat und für herausragenden Kundenservice steht, der heute oft nicht selbstverständlich ist. Ich möchte Ihnen dafür noch mal danken und mitteilen, dass ich ihr Unternehmen meiner Zahnarztpraxis empfehlen werde. Mit denen stand ich in Kontakt, weil ich die von der Kasse bezahlte harte Schiene nicht vertragen habe und eine Alternative gesucht habe. Als ich dann einen Flyer, des aqualizers, ich von meiner Osteopathin bekommen habe dort vorzeigte, meinte mein Zahnarzt, dass genau diese zur Zeit nicht bestellt werden können. Ich soll ihn aber auf dem Laufenden halten, wenn ich sie bestellen kann und eine Seite im Internet finde. So kann ich nun nach der ersten Info, dass sie bei Ihnen zu bestellen sind morgen bei einem Telefontermin, welcher explizit für diese Info von mir vereinbart wurde, mitteilen, wie begeistert ich von ihrem Kundenservice bin! Es war ein wahrer Glücksmoment heute vielen Dank! Manchmal sind es auch die kleinen Sachen… Liebe Grüße Elisabeth Berlin

September 13, 2021 08:52


Habe es von einem Orthopäden empfohlen bekommen, da meine Schmerzen im Schulter/ Nackenbereich muskulärbedingt wohl mit ziemlicher Sicherheit vom Kiefer kommt. Kannte ich so auch noch nicht. Trage Sie jetzt beim Sport (Laufen, Tennis), dort wo auch der Schmerz dann entsteht. Die Schmerzen sind deutlich reduzierter. Das Teil ist stabil. Sprechen geht, ist aber etwas "vernuschelt" :-) Für das Geld passt das für mich. Schnelle Lieferung.....

August 24, 2021 08:38

I was experiencing severe TMJ/TMD symptoms: I couldn't relax my jaw muscles, it was super painful to eat, I was grinding my teeth away, I had headaches constantly, and the clicking was audible to others. I

was at my wits end, taking muscle relaxers and Ibuprofen daily to try to get it under control. (Didn't help at all.) I didn't know how much longer I could go on without relief; I was even considering surgery and botox injections, and I'm terrified of both things. I spent hours pouring over anything I could find online and finally came across an unbiased medical publication detailing the various TMD treatments being used by dentists. The study listed the Aqualizer as the most effective and least invasive, so I looked into it further. Although there were downsides to the Aqualizer, the promise of relief from my symptoms was more than worth the cost to try one, so I did. I ordered the Ultra Low and wore it 10- 20 hours every day for about a week before the water eventually leaked out in my sleep. The results were amazing! I don't know how, but it somehow reset my jaw and relaxed my bite, and it delivered the much needed relief that I desperately needed. In just that short amount of time, it took me back to a much more livable state. The Cons: - Short life expectancy for a teeth-grinder like me, although you may be able to get away with wearing it during the day instead. I skipped a few nights myself. - It's irritating, or it was for me, but I'm pretty sensitive to stimuli. I bought the Ultra Low to accomodate for that, so I'm guessing it was better than it could have been. However, my tongue had nowhere to sit naturally, since I always rest it against the back of my front teeth/the roof of my mouth, and so I was constantly getting those painful infected taste buds on the edges of my tongue. They could easily fix that by adding that fabric-like material to the edges. - The Ultra Low would cause me to gag at times, but I could pull it out for a minute to fix that. I might try the Mini next. - They are expensive for such a short lifespan. (Still worth it.)

July 29, 2021 13:47

Tempo de entrega longo mas bom produto.

Bom produto. Infelizmente, tem de encomendar a partir da Alemanha. Por conseguinte, também um longo prazo de entrega. Mas já ajudou com o ranger dos dentes. Eu recomendá-lo-ia a outros.

July 14, 2021 10:58

Sehr entspannend!

Der Aqualizer hilft mir sehr gut bei meinen CMD Beschwerden. Sobald ich ihn trage spüre ich deutliche Verbesserung. Ich hatte mich vorher telefonisch beraten lassen. Sehr gutes Gespräch! Vielen Dank! Auch nachdem ich den Aqualizer wegen einer undichten Stelle reklamieren musste, wurde mir sofort geholfen. Sehr guter Service!

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Color: White
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From €79.08*
RehaSplint MEDIUM
Shore Härte: Medium
Teeth protector RehaSplint — the new TMD-Splint from Dentrade Are you experiencing jaw problems and TMD symptoms that restrict you in everyday life? Get immediate help now with the RehaSplint, our temporary bite splint. You can insert the splint immediately, use it for up to 3 months and thus relieve acute complaints from the first time you wear it. It is comfortable to wear without any adjustments. Improve your quality of lifelong term – with the RehaSplint. The grinding splint is available in the soft, medium and hard. RehaSplint Medium – our recommendation for average TMD complaints The RehaSplint is available in 3 different hardness versions: Soft (≈40 Shore A), Medium (≈50 Shore A) and Hard (≈60 Shore A). This is to offer every patient the right bite splint for their clinical picture. We recommend starting with the RehaSplint Medium. The Medium strength combines both the pleasant feel of a slightly softer splint and is resilient for more severe grinding or pressing. This splint is therefore ideally suited for patients dealing with average TMD complaints. When does the RehaSplint help? You can use the RehaSplint to treat a variety of symptoms, complaints and clinical pictures, for example: Occlusal disorders Bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching) Muscular imbalances Tension due to relieving postures TMD complaints The symptoms triggered by jaw disorders vary widely and can affect the entire body. These include: Jaw cracking Pain in the jaw muscles and jaw joints Abrasion/loss of tooth substance Difficulty chewing Disturbing sensation of individual teeth Clenching/grinding of teeth (bruxism) Tension headache (migraine) Pain/tension in neck, throat, shoulders and back Permanent ringing in the ears (tinnitus) Dizziness, balance disorders Jaw arthrosis as a late consequence Increased sensitivity to light Learn more in our detailed article about the RehaSplint Application of the RehaSplint Medium Place the RehaSplint Medium in the vestibule of the mouth Bite lightly on the symmetrical bite pads Wear the occlusal splint for as long as you need it You can wear the RehaSplint Medium both at night and during the day and use it for a period of about 3 months. Like the other models, it has no sharp corners and edges and can be used immediately without any preparation. If the splint is too long, you can shorten it on your own. We’re happy to help you! You would like to know whether the RehaBite is suitable for you, or do you have any questions about the various designs? Our customer service will be happy to advise you personally. Contact us by phone at +49-221-9742834 or by email at info@dentrade.de. You can also use our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you! Did you know? As a practitioner of physical or psychological symptoms, you will receive exclusive offers from us. Register now. Register as a practitioner

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